
Arbitration is a private procedure through which the parties appoint a tribunal, either singular or collegial, based on equity, mixed equity, law, or expertise, which ultimately resolves the dispute between them. Depending on the amount in dispute, the arbitration may be expedited.

The decision of the Arbitral Tribunal is known as an arbitral award and holds the legal value of a judicial judgment.

In equity arbitration, the tribunal is composed of members of CFIA, professionals of recognized standing and specialists in the subject matter in question. The award is issued by the tribunal based on their knowledge and principles of justice and equity.

In mixed equity arbitration, the tribunal is composed of two CFIA members and one lawyer.

In legal arbitration, the tribunal is solely composed of expert lawyers of high professional competence, and the award is issued based on the applicable law.

In expert arbitration, the tribunal is solely composed of CFIA members of recognized standing and specialists in the subject matter. The award is issued by the tribunal according to their experience and technical knowledge.

Arbitral Requirement (requirements for requesting arbitration)

A request through which one party requires the CRC to initiate an arbitration process. All documents must be issued in spanish, or with an official translation.